You can remove or update files one by one if you click on the “+” next to the region. Please install only those maps and other extras that you need at the moment and remove what you do not need anymore. Please do not remove pre-installed contents, as this may harm your device. (You can see this under the green bar of the update). Download Naviextras Toolbox, a free PC-tool, that connects your device to the PC and automatically scans for installed software and maps. You will see the size increment information on the bottom of this window as soon as enough space has been freed up. Grants you a license to use the software under the terms and conditions of the present Software License Terms. #Naviextras toolbox crack software license#

W witrynie dostpne jest te narzdzie (Toolbox) niezbdne do pobrania i instalacji aktualizacji map. Spka NNG udostpnia aktualizacj map dla oprogramowania nawigacyjnego za porednictwem tej witryny (Witryna).

Wybieraj spord jeszcze szerszej oferty punktw POI: wyszukuj hotele, atrakcje turystyczne, apteki, banki i bankomaty, lotniska i parkingi zadaszone. Zadbaj o aktualno swojej mapy i zyskaj spokj ducha podczas jazdy. W rzeczywistoci najczstszym powodem bdw obliczania trasy jest korzystanie z przestarzaych map. Zaktualizowana nawigacja zwiksza bezpieczestwo jazdy, przygotowujc Ci na nieoczekiwane sytuacje wynikajce ze zmian w sieci drg. Pobierz najnowsz map bez dodatkowych kosztw w cigu 90 dni od daty dostarczenia pojazdu. Nasza nowa Polityka Prywatnoci jest obecnie dostpna w jzyku angielskim. Once you have purchased your map it will be available in the My Updates section If you are having any trouble navigating or using the NaviExtras webpage there is a support section you can access, located here. Go to the Get Maps More section and browse for your desired countryregion 7. Go to the My Updates section and youll see you have one update available, 30 Day Latest Map Guarantee, install this and youll be finding your way with the latest maps in no time If you want to purchase and download overseas maps: 6. Naviextras Toolbox Install This And Naviextras Toolbox Download Overseas Maps Log in using your NaviExtras username and password If you simply want to update to the latest version of the AUSTNZ maps: 6. Open Toolbox and, ensuring the SD card is inserted, connect your Strike Genius GPS to the computer using the USB cable, select USB Mode on the Genius when prompted 5. Naviextras Toolbox Download Overseas Maps.